
These are a few of my favorite things....

Keaton has always enjoyed the finer things in Life....

She loves playing outside; running, jumping, exploring, throwing rocks, picking up leaves and poking at the occasional bug she finds.

One word - Elmo. Watching him is definitely one of the highlights of her day, and if Reagan and I are lucky, we get to sit on the couch and watch with her!

Another favorite that gives Kiwi thrills (and mom heart attacks), is circus training. She balances, hangs and climbs, and the higher up the furniture the better!

Being silly!
She makes me laugh everyday,
by dressing up, or down...don't ask,
nobody knows.....

Jumphouses with Aunta! A great find during our visit to the pumpkin patch. She enjoyed it so much that she now jumps non-stop in her crib!

And no one can tickle, chase or throw Kiwi in the air quiet like Daddy can!

Playing with him would be her favorite of all if she hadn't just discovered something so fun and new that she can do!

So what is the latest and greatest thing this cute little lady likes to do????


And we are not just talking a little crying here and there. We are talking about full-on throw yourself on the ground, growling, hyperventilating, 10 minute meltdowns. And what leads to these? ANYTHING!! If you hand her the wrong color popsicle, peel her string cheese the wrong way (as CoCo knows), tell her not to swing off the chandelier, etc.... And to think she hasn't even turned two yet.....


Mrs. Cropper said...

I wonder where she got that climbing all over everything gene??!! ;)

Blaine has learned to throw tantrums, too. Isn't it so charming?!