
Happy (Belated) Halloween!

"Trick-or-Treat" is right!

In anticipation of this exciting holiday filled with one of Keaton's favorite things, candy, she woke up at the crack of dawn, 5 am. Much to my surprise (ha!) she didn't want to nap for most of the day, so I was blessed with this little hyped-up on sugar, sleep deprived child who didn't know which end was up. And at any moment I didn't know if I was going to get a trick or a treat from her - kisses or screaming. At least she sat long enough (in her sister's bumbo) for me to take this hilarious picture of her and Reagan in their Halloween "day" getup.

After she woke from her much contested nap, I thought it would be fun to put her adorable "Fi Fi" the poodle costume on. She was not having it, she cried, flopped around and screamed for help as I tried to wrestle the jacket and pants on her. I finally succeeded, for one, very sad looking picture.

Reagan, taking a cue from her older sister, decided she didn't want to wear her darling little duckie costume either, and proceeded to throw-up her entire bottle all over it. So that was the end of her costume.

Kiwi, after much coercing put her costume back on and went for one trick-or-treating adventure, where she bypassed the candy they were handing out and darted inside for their dog. She really did not understand the whole concept of it...Why walk all that way for one piece of candy when you can get handfuls from willing family members???

I was lucky enough to snag two pictures of my little puppy.....

And maybe it wasn't so much luck as it was candy bribery :)


Mrs. Cropper said...

That Fifi costume is darling and hilarious! The picture showing the back of her is adorable! Sorry your girls were a little cranky! Classic. OOH! I just miss you and can't wait for Christmas!