
Ho Ho Ho

Keaton LOVES her some Santa. Last year was a different story, but this year she has seen him three times now and climbs right up on his lap, tells him her list of goods, and even wants a hug goodbye. She just can't get enough of the big man in red.
Reagan, not so much. She sat in the corner and sucked on her fingers.... Oh well, there's always next year.



Lately Kiwi comes up with excuses for why she can't go to bed yet; she needs to read another book, she needs to clean her room, she needs her hair done. But the one that really gets to me is when she says she is hungry. How can a mother not feed her child? I mean how do I know if she is just saying it to delay bedtime or if she really and truly is hungry? She is a growing little girl after all. So last night she pulled out the hungry card again - she wanted a sandwich. As we got out the bread, peanut butter and jelly she decided in her two-year-old brain that the only thing better than a PB & J is one with a little ketchup added to the mix. I had to let her do it, who am I to say it wouldn't taste good.

And you know what it actually was kind of good...kind of.

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