

Lately Kiwi comes up with excuses for why she can't go to bed yet; she needs to read another book, she needs to clean her room, she needs her hair done. But the one that really gets to me is when she says she is hungry. How can a mother not feed her child? I mean how do I know if she is just saying it to delay bedtime or if she really and truly is hungry? She is a growing little girl after all. So last night she pulled out the hungry card again - she wanted a sandwich. As we got out the bread, peanut butter and jelly she decided in her two-year-old brain that the only thing better than a PB & J is one with a little ketchup added to the mix. I had to let her do it, who am I to say it wouldn't taste good.

And you know what it actually was kind of good...kind of.

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Uncle Jake said...

False. You guys need to change Kiwi's door so it locks from outside and then impose a bedtime. That's Uncle Jake's vote at least. And honestly, as long as we don't have a repeat of the screaming night when I visit this time, I'm good with whatever. She can stay up as late as she wants if it means I get to sleep. =) Two weeks from tomorrow. Yay!

Mel said...

Did she really eat that? The whole thing? Her face in that picture look like she is thinking "Oh shit. Now, I really have to eat this."

P.s. I vote the same as Uncle Jake...because I know that I have a vote in your child rearing decisions :)

I miss you guys. Lots. And I am very jealous of Uncle Jake.