Really I am not sure what has happened here, I don't know why I have not posted the most adorable pictures of my daughters in their Halloween costumes. But maybe, just maybe, it could have something to do with this.
Yep, Keaton now knows how to use the computer, and she is a total hog! She would look at Princesses and toys online all day if I let her. So I have done the unthinkable (my pediatrician may lecture me) and turned on the Disney channel to distract her while I download these pics and blog....better make this fast before Hannah Montana is over!
Keaton was a ballerina, which by the way is what she wants to be when she grows up she told me today. And check her sweet moves, I think she just might make it to the NYCB with those.
Here is her "Stop taking pictures of me so I can go get candy" face.
And of course every ballerina needs a pirate.
Reagan was a, ummm, well.....not exactly sure, maybe a flower fairy??? But hey it was darn cute, and that's all that matters!
I think you might be cut off from trick-or-treating when you no longer can lift your basket.
Overall it was a great Halloween filled with lots of excitement, costumes, friends, family and WWWAAAYYY too much candy that is still hidden somewhere in the laundry room.
p.s. Is it bad that while writing this I laughed at least a half dozen times at Hannah Montana???