
August Rush

At the beginning of August we were fortunate enough to head down to Newport Beach to visit Ryan and Nicole. We decided it would be fun and easier than flying (WRONG!) to drive the entire 26 hours roundtrip. Well, little did we know, Kiwi gets carsick after about 11 hours, her carseat still reeks of vomit, ucckkkk. Anywho, Ryan and Nicole were celebrating their engagement (finally! we adore Nicole!) and we were so happy to be there for the lovely party that the Pink's threw for them. It was a great party! But on to the REAL important stuff, like table dancing and princesses.

The girls had such a fabulous time just being at Uncle Ryan's house.

There was dancing on coffee tables,

there was dogpiling,

and of course there was the beach.


And then came Disneyland.

It started out a bit rough, Pirates of the Carribbean might have been a bad choice, as Kiwi said, "Those pirates ttthhhcaarryyy!".

So then we hit up the huge ferris wheel which didn't go over too well either. Both girls were a bit uncertain about this ride.

But all was well when we got to the Princess Fantasy Faire. As you can imagine Keaton was in HEAVEN! She now was feeling mighty fine in that Belle dress she decided to wear. And look how little she is in all that princess get-up!
And of course every princess needs a little sparkle at the end of the day!

Since our trip, everyday Keaton says she is going to Disneyland....hope you don't mind Ryan and Nicole!